
In An

The Broome Street Gallery
498 Broome Street
New York NY 10003
Sept 3 - 8, 2002


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Gallery Exhibitions Index

New York Art
New York Art

Alice Grisant © 2002
Night and Day . . . the opposites that artists experience and how they process these polarities . . . on the theme of timely moments in an artist's life . . . Goya preferred to paint in the middle of the nite while other's slept and then there are the others who work in work in bright sunlight from studio windows others paint on easels in the street during the day . . . Lightness and Darkness . . .
Double Self Portrait
Sunset NY
East River Night
Falling Circle
Hal Foster
Sunset Over Hudson
Blanc et Noir
Coney Island
Sunset Cape Ann
  Moon Night      

New York Art World

Gallery Exhibition

Snow Scene in Greenwich Village
by Ken McConney
Oil on Canvas
20" X 24"
Double Self-Portrait
by John Garufi
Oil on Canvas
48" X 48"
Sunset NY VI (2000)
by Alice Grisant
Watercolor, Ink
11" X 14"
East River
by Heise
Oil on Canvas
24" X 30"

Falling Circle
by Joe Catuccio
Cast iron & Steel Welded Sculpture
Size 21" X 20" X 18"

Hal Foster
by Mark Lerer
Pencil on Paper
14" X 17"

Sunset Over the Hudson
by Johanna Lisi
Oil on Canvas
12" X 18"


Blanc et Noir
by Jessica Mieles
18" X 24"
$ 300

Classic Nude
by McConney
Oil on Canvas
40" X 18"
Sunset Granit Pier Cape Ann MA
by Steve Sandler
Acrylic on Canvas
36" X 49"
by Jacqueline Rada
Acrylic Glaze on Gessoed Paper
24" X 30"

Night and Day in an Artist's Life . . . the opposites that artists experience and how they process polarities . . .  on the theme of timely moments in an artist's life . . . Goya preferred to paint in the middle of the nite while others slept and then there are the others who work in bright sunlight from studio windows others paint on easels in the street during the day. . . Lightness and Darkness . . .

Night and Day - An Artist's Life
a show of paintings, drawings, and sculpture on view at the
The Broome Street Gallery
489 Broome Street at West Broadway, NYC 10003
Dates: September 3 thru 8, 2002.
Hours: Tues thru Sunday, 11am - 6pm


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New York Art

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