Jessica Mieles

Artist Collection: The Central Park Series

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Central Park Early Spring © Jessica Mieles 2005
18" x 24" - Watercolour on Paper


Watercolour Paintings


Jessica Mieles paints daily in her studio. However, when the weather is sunny and days are serene, she jaunts off to Central Park as early as often as possible.

Central Park - Mayor Purroy Mitchell © Jessica Mieles 2008
Watercolour on Paper - 18" x 24"



Mieles spoke of her admiration for old master paintings and American painters:

"My taste in the great artists has changed over the years.

As a student at Parsons, my favorite was Claude Lorraine and his fantasy landscapes.

At some point I was introduced to the work of John Singer Sargent, John Glackens and others."

Central Park © Jessica Mieles 2005
Watercolour on Paper - 18" x 24"


The Artist continues:

"I was particularly impressed by the spontaneity of their watercolours of urban scenes.

Much of my inspiration came from living on the top floor. Roof access allowed many opportunities to capture the sun setting on the great city.

I find at this time that water based medium lends itself well to the transient nature of such scenes.

Now that I live on the first floor, new opportunities have opened up in the backyard for views of Manhattan."


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